Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Blog 1: I am a Cyborg

A Cyborg can be defined as a person who is attached to technology physically or metaphysically. In the physical aspect a person can literally have artificial components in their body, such as an artificial heart or robotic arm etc. On the other spectrum would be the metaphysical which is the interaction with technology and dependence on it. It is beyond the physical. In today’s world it is almost impossible to go about your day without coming into contact with technology. In some instances it is a necessity. It is a way of survival. Technology becomes more sophisticated by every passing day. I am most defiantly a Cyborg metaphysically and one day in the future physically as well.
Technology is not only a tool but my life. From the minute I was born technology was introduced to me. Monitoring my heart rate, assuring I was healthy. My earliest memories involve video games and television. When I began school a requirement was to pass computer class. It introduced me to another brain that was separate from mine but linked in some manner. As the years passed the computer and I became more attached. It involves a lot of technique and discipline. At times I feel I am one with my computer.
Besides the computer there are many devices I use to go about my day which makes me a Cyborg, for instance something as simple as my transportation. To even begin the process of traveling I buy a metro card with my credit card. I no longer have to physically have money on me. I use the subway daily to get where I need to be. I cannot use the subway without my metro card. When I get into the train I rarely have to do much thinking. The train announces the stops and the direction its heading. It even tells me about delays and changes. In my life I have other devices to do much of my thinking for me.
One major device that makes me a certified Cyborg is my cell phone. It has become the center piece of my life. It keeps me connect with most of the world. Cell phones have become so advanced that I can do many things on it just as if I were on my computer. I download applications that help me with my daily life. There’s an application for almost anything you can think of. I’m almost never without it. I feel like its part of me. I believe this will only become truer as time progresses.
At any moment I can seen with electronic device. Whatever the device may be it is helping me in some way. It gives structure to my life. Granted I can probably go sometime without technology but it would not be a productive time. Technology is a wonderful tool that advances the world and makes life easier. Eventually we will all be Cyborgs if we’re not all already. It seems to be unavoidable. The possibilities are endless.

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